Meet an Educator: Maxim Rodrigues

Maxim Rodrigues is an Executive-On-Ground Projects at The Habitats Trust. In 2016, he founded a group called the ‘Kasaragod Birders’, a community of bird watchers and nature lovers. They concentrate on bird-related projects related to citizen science, wildlife education, biodiversity monitoring, and working with kids and community.

शिक्षक से मिलिए: तौकीर आलम लोद्धा

तौकीर उत्तराखंड की वन गुज्जर नोमैडिक ट्राइब कम्युनिटी से हैं। वहाँ पर वह पिछले 10 सालों से पर्यावरण शिक्षा पर काम कर रहे हैं । उनके ग्रुप का नाम “मई” है। वह एक्टिविटी-बेस्ड लर्निंग के माध्यम से भाषा, गणित, कला और नेचर एजुकेशन सिखाते हैं।

Meet an Educator: Taukeer Alam Lodha

Taukeer Alam Lodha belongs to the Van Gujjar nomadic tribe of Uttarakhand. He has been enthusiastically working towards nature conservation and education over the past 10 years. He has formed a group called ‘MAEE’ that works with children of his tribe. They focus on activity-based learning to teach languages, math, art and nature education.

Meet an Educator: Adithi Muralidhar

Adithi Muralidhar works on education research in Mumbai, understanding how children learn and working to contextualise outreach for impactful nature learning. Through her work, she hopes to help build mindful relationships with nature to broaden people’s understanding and its interconnectedness across disciplines.

Meet an Educator: Deepak Ahirwar

Deepak Ahirwar is from the Panna District of Madhya Pradesh whose childhood was spent in the jungles. Through his nature education work, he hopes that children or the community are motivated to connect with nature and contribute to its conservation. He does environment-related activities with children and organises bird and nature walks.

Meet an Educator: Snigdha Sehgal

Snigdha Sehgal is an educator, biologist and naturalist living and working in Goa. She organises workshops on science and nature education for children and adults through her initiative ‘The Learning Forest. She ensures that she’s always ready with never-ending enthusiasm to go on nature discovery quests with any eager child at school.