Meet an Educator: Sumit Dookia

Sumit Dookia is a nature educator from western Rajasthan. He has led landscape-level awareness campaigns to conserve threatened species and advocates incorporating more local stories into educational materials. He feels that a skilled narrator can turn a dull session into a fun one, making learning enjoyable for learners and educators.  

Meet an Educator: Tahaj Hussain

Tahaj Hussain is a nature educator from Assam and GreenHub fellow working in the Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. He says that he never knew something like nature education existed until he stepped into it unknowingly through the Responsible Tourism Fellowship by GreenHub and finds much value in it.

Meet an Educator: Sahithya Selvaraj

Sahithya Selvaraj is a nature educator from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She organises art and nature workshops for school students and the general public. She helps students recognize the beauty, complexity, and importance of the ecosystems in which they live. She aims to connect people to nature on a personal level.