In March 2020 we had created a pocket guide for the Birds of Valley School, a popular birding hotspot in Bangalore. Then the pandemic hit, closing all schools and bringing group birding activity to a complete halt. Finally the last few months of 2020 saw renewed interest in two new pocket guides which had been in the pipeline for some time, but had been temporarily postponed due to the pandemic.
Birds of Goa, printed in October ‘20 was our first pocket guide to feature Konkani bird names, and was produced in collaboration with Goa Bird Conservation Network. Copies were printed in Bangalore and shipped to Goa in time for their Wildlife Week celebrations. Next in the pipeline was Birds of Salem, produced in collaboration with Salem Ornithological Foundation and launched by the Salem Forest Department as part of the birth anniversary celebrations of Dr. Salim Ali. Both these pocket guides can be purchased from our online store here.